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One name that quite unique administered by my father to me. That S.W.T Servant Of Allah Born Around Sacred Date 6th of October Chicken Year. Stay in a remote village yet full with past history. Having Blog that can find peace at a time experience boredom.

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Penawar Kanser Servik

Lempoyang Cegah Kanser Servik

NAMA HERBA : Lempoyang
NAMA SAINTIFIK : Zingziber zerumbet

Tumbuhan yang sama seperti spesies halia. Daun dan rizomnya berakar seperti halia.Tumbuh meliar di kawasan tanah pamah. Mempunyai bunga yang cantik. Ketinggian 30 – 50cm dari tanah. Membiak melalui pecahan rizom dan pecahan rumpun.

Penawar Kanser Servik dalam kalangan wanita remaja masa kini , Mandian ibu bersalin dan dibuat ulam. Selain itu, lempoyang ini digunakan untuk Membersihkan kulit , menambah selera makan, mengubat disentri, buasir, menghilangkan cacing, buang angin, bisa-bisa badan.

WILD GINGERThe picture above is of the lempoyang or wild ginger inflorescence growing from a ginger plant in Tuan Haji Ahmad Hasnin's garden. Ginger as we all know is the closest linked to one in what is known as Chinese Ginger. Again, though there are several types of edible Ginger, commonly included in food preparation, one stands out as real "Ginger" - is this species - under the group name of Zingiber. Halia in Malay. Scientifically as Zingiber officinale. The flower is now locally recognized as "Shampoo" by the florist. The color of the inflorescence varies with locality and also the age of the bloom. They would normally seen as a cluster of "Flowers" Some clusters can grow quite big having more than 20 inflorescence at one time. This is an annual affair.There are three common species of this flower, zinziber spectabile (tepus tanah), zinziber puberlum (lempoyang anjing) and zinzerber griffithil (tepus merah).
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